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Search by Train Name or Number for Live Train Running Status

 You can online track the current location of running trains of the Indian Railways. Users can check the location of train by entering details of arrivals, departures, passing by trains, destination, etc. A map is also provided to see the location of running trains. Search by Train Name or Number for Live Train Running StatusLive train running status for Indian railway trains means the current location of any train and its real time delay status. It also includes estimated arrival time of the train at upcoming stops.

To check it on a browser, click on the link and follow these steps:
  1. Visit this https://tracktrain.onlinesevaxyz.com/ site
  2. Click on Check Train Route 

  3. Enter Train Number and click on Search button. 

  4. This is the time table and route information of the train number you just entered. 

  5. Here is the information for which you have come here.                                                              Station->  station name list name which is telling the name of the place, here this train stops, for the passengers                                                                                                    Arr-> it's time to arrive at this station
           Dep-> The destination of the train to arrive and stop at this station
           Halt-> How long does this train stop at this station?
  6.        Day-> In how many days this train reaches this station, that is

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