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Indian train number search - How can I find train number?

 Indian train number search - How can I find train number?

To know about different train numbers, you can select Train Number by Name option. Now, enter the name of the train and click the "Get Train Number" button to know the number of that train. Similarly, you can know the Train Name by selecting Train Name by Number option and inserting train number.

What is train number?

The first digit of the 5 digit train number indicates the type of the Passenger trains: 0 - for special trains (e.g., summer specials, holiday specials, etc.) 1 - for all long-distance trains, including the Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Sampark Kranti, Garib Rath, Duronto, etc. 

In order to identify and organise locomotives, railway companies usually give each one a number. These numbers are usually unique within the confines of the railway system and period. But they are not globally unique and not unique across time. ... And a single locomotive might have many numbers over time.

To check it on a browser, click on the link and follow these steps:
  1. Visit this https://tracktrain.onlinesevaxyz.com/ site
  2. Click on TRAIN NO SEARCH 

  3. Enter Train Name and click on Search button.     

  4. The name of the train that matches with the name you had just entered by entering the name, that record will appear in front of you.This your search train name related train number list.

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